THE 53rd BFCC 19th May 2007

Members of the 8mm Forum again met in the projection area at lunch time. It's always good to put a face to a name so from left to right:-
Yanis Tzortzis, Keith Ashfield, Kevin Clark, Mike Peckham, Craig Hamilton, Keith Wilton (seated), Jean-Marc Toussaint, Kevin Faulkner, Robert Tucker, Adrian Winchester, Paul Adsett, Mal Brake and just out of picture is Colin Hunt but there is another similar photo on page 2 where Colin just makes an appearance.

The return of the Jing Gang Shan portable 35mm xenon projector. Work is still commencing on this machine and it should be better still next time around.

And the return of Paul Adsett from Florida who surprised us all with his last minute trip to Blighty and the BFCC!

Mark Williams, Mike Peckham, Murray and Maurice volunteered to assist in the assembly of our giant 'Scope screen.