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THE SPROCKET HOLE (KEITH WILTON'S 35MM CINEMA) Equipment used: Chinese 35mm portable xenon projector x2, Sound system: Yamaha DSP-A2 processor/amplifier, Mission main speakers plus additional Mordaunt Short main speakers, Wharfedale Modus centre, JBL Control 1G rears, Paradigm subwoofer. Screen approximately 10ft x 4ft.
VIEWING ROOM 1 (KEITH WILTON'S SUPER 8, 16MM & VIDEO PROJECTION HOME CINEMA) Elmo GS-1200 & Elmo GS-1200 Xenon Super 8 projectors, Bell & Howell 16mm, 3500 lumens Liesegang LCD video projector coupled to Pioneer 747a DVD, Sony 650 LaserDisc. Sound system: Yamaha A595A amplifier/processor, Yamaha subwoofer, Yamaha rear speakers, Mission main and centre speakers. Motorized curtains with lighting linked to the opening and closing of the curtains, plus fully automated masking all round. Super 8 can be run in sync' with VHS, Laser Disc and DVD giving the best sound available to the home market combined with the best picture quality on 8mm. Most recent addition is the Liesegang video projector which does give an outstanding image dependent on the quality of the source material. The NTSC laser disc of "The Sea Hawk" in particular looks exceptionally good.
DAVID LOCKE'S HOME CINEMA A former co-organizer of the BFCC who boasts an outstanding home setup. Our photographs did not turn out exceptionally well but we hope it gives an impression of the standard that has been achieved. Again, video projection and film live side by side.
JOHN BIRD'S REELS ON WHEELS John Bird has been involved with the BFCC's for many years now. His speciality is cinema evenings at sheltered homes for which he is inundated with requests and is certainly kept busy. Recently video projection (via the SIM2 DLP) has been added to the super 8 and 16mm shows. Here are some pictures from one of his more recent shows.
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