'Film Collector' magazine is published quarterly. Read the latest Super 8 film reviews by Keith Wilton plus some golden oldies and all the latest news and cine related articles. If you are not already a subscriber to Film Collector your support will be very much appreciated by: THE BFCC
If you are interested in making movies there is no better place to track down cine cameras, splicers, editors, projectors etc. than the BFCC - the best and original film collectors convention. The 66th BFCC was held at the Chorleywood War Memorial Hall on the western edge of London on 29th April 2023 so keep an eye on the Next Event page for details of any proposed future convention. We're not planning a BFCC in 2024 as the new FILM IS FABULOUS venture is taking up a lot of time and we may hold several of those this year so currently 2025 is more likely for the 67th BFCC. Also on the Next Event page you will see details for the upcoming Blackpool film collectors convention and Big Screen Time at Croxley Green, Hertfordshire.
Super 8 has been the mainstay of the convention since its inception but we have regularly enjoyed 35mm shows as well as the long established 16mm shows. 70mm even made a couple of appearances thanks to the efforts of 70mm enthusiast Ben Wales. For all these shows a 24ft wide cinemascope screen was utilized which really had to be seen to be believed. Super 8 really can work even at this magnification thanks in no small part to the HTI lamp conversion by projector service man Bill Parsons who carried out this unprecendented update to John Clancy's Elmo GS1200 in 2004. The BFCC film shows have been renowned all over the world for providing unrivalled big screen entertainment. We even welcome regulars to the conventions who have no interest in film collecting but come along to simply enjoy the shows.
And here is another fabulous video from Stuart Hilliker and this time it is the 2021 Northern Film Collectors Convention in Blackpool. The first five or six minutes are of the Saturday evening dinner which may not interest everyone but thereafter it is the actual convention on the Sunday and well worth a watch:
Sad news early in February 2025 is that Brian Murphy, our long time patron of more than 20 years, has died. Brian was a highly successful and respected actor who first came to a mass audience attention in the 1970's situation comedy series 'Man About The House'. There were two spin-offs from this hugely successful show and the best known of them is 'George & Mildred' which saw Brian reprise his role as George Roper along with Yootha Joyce as his wife Mildred. In more recent years, Brian was one of the three lead actors in the long running series 'Last Of The Summer Wine'. Brian was last with us at the combined Talking Pictures TV and BFCC LITE event in St. Albans in October 2024 where he was still in fine fettle and enjoying a good laugh with everyone. A lovely man and a true British gent. For more information about Brian click here.