SUPER 8 FILM REVIEW DINOSAUR 1x100ft colour/sound Available from Derann This is the opening to the latest Disney and what a great accompaniment to the feature release of Jurassic Park. It runs for approximately five minutes and if you were at the recent BFCC you’ll already know how good it is. For those of you that don’t it’s another top-notch, eye-filling dose of 8mm wonderment. I still can’t believe how good some of these prints are given the almost 40 year old technology. No need to give a synopsis as it is essentially the same as the trailer reviewed in the previous issue (dinosaur egg stolen by Pterodactyl and ends up in a far away land) so just buy it and enjoy it for it’s sumptuous colours and pin sharp geometry. No doubt another one we can have a go at synching from DVD soundtracks in the future - and there’s no dialogue in this one at all! Have fun. Picture A/A* Sound A John Clancy