66th BFCC
29th APRIL2023

Simon Nicholls on 35mm projection duty. Simon put the whole 35mm programme together for us and it was GREAT! A typical BFCC show full of variety and great quality.

Mark Williams (BFCC organizer) snapped outside the Chorleywood War Memorial Hall.

Keith Wilton (left) was the sole organizer of the BFCC for over 40 years. John Clancy (right) joined him in 1993 and the two of them have produced 30 years of conventions ever since.

Mark Norton handled most of the Super 8 shows and supplied and compiled most of the new releases for us. Mark looks on as the 35mm projector is set up for duty.

Not the best shot I could have got but Tracey and the gals handled the best catering we have ever enjoyed at BFCC. We have never had a kitchen like this available to us at a convention before and they took full advantage of it.

Simon's wife Holly giving Simon support when the pressure was on to get the projector aligned, setup and the show on the road! Great tee shirt Holly!

Keith Wilton taking a bit of a back seat at this one but there for moral support when we needed it.

Mr. Umit caught on camera!

Emil Ink's feature film 'DEAD COMMUNITY GUILD' was shot entirely on Super 8 with a Canon 514 camera and is getting a theatrical release in the USA in 2023. We showed the trailer to illustrate the amazing quality achieved with the tiny film gauge.

Another trailer screened at this BFCC was from Rob Murphy in Australia who made the fabulous documentary 'SPLICE HERE: A PROJECTED ODYSSEY' telling the story of the death of film in cinemas and it's resurrection with Quentin Tarantino's 70mm release of 'The Hateful Eight'.

4K video projection interspersed with the 35mm shows made a first appearance at a BFCC. Both looked wonderful but all the 4K UHD discs were of 70mm releases with the exception of Le Mans '66 which was shot entirely on video but looks better than many movies shot on film.

Simon brought the 66th BFCC to a close with the opening reel of the 'Scope 35mm print of Crimson Tide. A great film and a great selection for our first convention back since the pandemic.


Return to the past events pages for photos, programmes and details from previous conventions.