64th BFCC
2nd APRIL 2016

Photos by Mark Wilton unless otherwise stated.

Photo courtesy of Paul Garrick.

Your Super 8 projectionist at the 64th BFCC, Mr. Paul Garrick (photo courtesy of Paul Garrick).

Photo courtesy of Fabrizio Mosca.

Photo courtesy of Fabrizio Mosca.

Photo courtesy of Fabrizio Mosca.

Photo courtesy of Fabrizio Mosca.

Dedicated collectors! Fabrizio Mosca (who provided the photo above), who left Italy at dawn arriving at around 10.15am
and Antonio Costa Mota from Portugal who has attended many of the the BFCC events,
photographed in front of the 35mm Xenon projector.

Bill Parsons with the rejuventated Elmo GS1200 Xenon he'd worked on and returned to Keith Wilton on the day.

Cinerama or SuperPanavison 70 screen? No, Super 8!