Jean-Christophe De Block came over from Belgium and seen here with the convention organizer (Mr. Wilton), centre and co-organizer (John Clancy), left.

Members of Brad Miller's 8mm Forum were out in force once more. And an unexpected surprise for all when Paul Adsett (he of Armchair Odeons fame!) turned up again all the way from Florida! Now that's committment!

Jean-Christophe again, this time with the organizers and the BFCC patron, actor Brian Murphy (currently starring in the BBC's 'Last of the Summer Wine').

'Tiv' (Paul Tivy) with his 3D video rig.

The 8mm Forum members gathering at lunchtime. Drinks all around!

John Viner (far left), Mark Norton, Keith Wilton, Tiv, Paul Garrick, Craig Hamilton.